Interested in learning more about domestic violence?
Join us for an ICDVP-approved 40-Hour Training!
Family Rescue will share schedules and registration details below as they become available
PURPOSE: The overall purpose of the 40-Hour Domestic Violence Training is to provide participants with advocacy tools so that they may effectively assist people subjected to abuse on their journey to increase their safety. Participants will recognize the pervasiveness of domestic violence, learn about its connection to patriarchy and other forms of oppression, be able to identify tactics of abuse, unlearn myths pertaining to its dynamics, become familiar with legislation related to responding to the crime, and increase their skills in trauma-informed care, crisis intervention, safety planning, self-care, and more.
REVIEWS: To read reviews of Family Rescue’s 40-Hour Domestic Violence Training, click here.
CONTENT: For a more detailed overview of what topics the training covers, click here.
The Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals (ICDVP) approve of three different training formats for ICDVP-certified training sites.
- Option #1: The entire 40 Hour Training is facilitated in person.
- This option is not popular or accessible for many people so Family Rescue is unlikely to offer trainings in this format.
- Option #2: 20V/20 Under this format, the first 20 hours of the training is facilitated virtually over Zoom and the remaining 20 hours of the training is facilitated in person.
- This is the format most participants choose since it is the cheapest. Participants are required to have their videos on and fully participate during the Zoom portion of the training.
- Option #3: 20M/20 Under this format, a participant uses the IL Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) self-paced modules to complete the first 20 hours of the training and complete the remaining 20 hours in person with Family Rescue
- This is the most flexible but also the most expensive format. Participants choosing this format would need to fully complete the ICADV modules (meaning they have received a certificate from ICADV) prior to the start of the Family Rescue sessions being facilitated in person. Any time Family Rescue offers a 20V/20 training, participants also have the option of choosing the 20M/20 format instead.
- You can register for access to the ICADV modules here. To clarify, if you want to take all 40 hours with Family Rescue you do NOT need to register for the ICADV modules. Registering for the ICADV modules will also NOT automatically register you for Family Rescue’s in-person sessions.
ICDVP does NOT approve of any training done completely via modules or virtually over zoom. They require 20 hours to be done in person, including the sessions on Safety & Assessment, Direct Service Issues, Cultural Humility, Children’s Issues, and Teen Dating Violence. People interested in becoming 40 hour trained can take a training completely virtually with a domestic violence organization, it would just mean the training would not be ICDVP-approved and thus they would not have the first step of the process of becoming an IL Certified Domestic VIolence Professional themselves completed. Being ICDVP is a requirement for many coordinator roles at domestic violence agencies, but is NOT a requirement to engage in direct service with people subjected to abuse. The Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals approves Family Rescue as a 40-Hour Domestic Violence Training Site for all approved training formats. This approval is documented here on their website. You can learn more about becoming an ICDVP here.
COST: The cost depends on how you decide to pay and what format of the training you are taking. Please be advised that if you pay for the training but do not register for it, you will not be sent important training information, such as the Zoom meeting ID or password. Links for registration will be shared at the bottom of this page as they become available. Please read through all registration details, especially the Training Agreements, before paying for the training.
- If you are taking the entire 40HR Training with Family Rescue (format option 1 or 2):
- If you are paying with check or money order the cost is $250. Please send your payment to 8811 S. Stony Island Ave. P.O. Box 17528, Chicago IL, 60617.
- If you are paying electronically, the cost is higher at $257.55 to cover the processing fee taken out by Square Site. The link to pay will be in the registration form.
- We must receive the payment after you register and prior to the start of the first session for you to be granted entry.
- If you are receiving 20 hours of training via the ICADV modules and the remaining 20 hours of training in person with Family Rescue (format option 3-20M/20):
- If you are paying with check or money order, you would owe ICADV $250 and owe us $125. Thus, the total cost of the training would be $375.
- If you are paying electronically, you would still owe ICADV $250 but you would owe us $128.93 to cover the processing fee taken out by Square Site. Thus, the total cost of the training would be $378.93.
- We must receive your payment after you register and prior to the start of the first in-person session for you to be granted entry.
- You can register for access to the ICADV modules here. More information on this option is higher up on this webpage.
SPONSORSHIPS: If you would like to donate money to help lower-income individuals be able to pay for the training, you can visit the donation page of our website, select the amount you wish to donate, and put “40-Hour DV Training Sponsorship” in the “Note for Seller”/Memo line. If you are in need of financial assistance to pay for the training, please email Rose at, and she will let you know how much money, if any, is available in the sponsorship fund.
SCHEDULE: We offer our 40 Hour DV training approximately every other month. Our 40 Hour DV trainings are mostly offered within traditional work hours (Mon-Fri 9-5) over the course of six full days (e.g. two days of the week for three weeks).
Upcoming Registration
Our next 40 Hour Domestic Violence Training will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 4th through March 20th. The first three sessions will be facilitated over Zoom and the last three sessions will be facilitated in person at 8811 S. Stony Island Ave. You can register here.
To find out when other domestic violence agencies are having their 40 Hour Trainings, click here. For those looking for an after-hours training, CAWC routinely offers those.
To stay up to date on most trainings related to domestic violence being offered in the state, you can subscribe to the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence Newsletter. To do so, scroll to the very bottom of their home page here.
Looking for PAIP (partner abuse intervention program) training or sexual assault training? Family Rescue does not offer PAIP services or sexual assault specific services and so we do not provide those trainings. You can find Rape Crisis Centers in IL on the ICASA (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) website here. You can find certified PAIP training sites by going to this ICDVP webpage and searching “PAIP.”
At this time, Family Rescue is not a certified site for Salon Professional Trainings on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
Additional Information
TRANSPORTATION: There is plenty of free parking available around the office, including in front of the building and on side streets on the same side of the building (by the Dunkin Donuts) and across the street. The office is also very close to the 28 bus Stony Island and 88th street stop. It is about a 10-minute walk to the 15 bus Jeffery and 88th Street stop. We are also close to the 87 bus that can take folks to the 87th Red Line stop.
FOOD: Lunch is not provided. Participants are welcome to bring a packed lunch or go out to eat and come back. There is a Popeyes, Wendy’s, Subway, and Checkers nearby. Participants are also welcome to use the fridge, oven, microwave, or toaster oven at the administration office. They can also help themselves to coffee and tea in the kitchen.
BATHROOMS: The closest bathroom to the training room is a large single-user gender-neutral bathroom. Further away, there are two other smaller single-user gender-neutral bathrooms as well as a multi-user women’s bathroom. The training room and bathrooms are all on the ground floor of the building.
CONTACT: For more information, please email the Training and Volunteer Coordinator, Ms. Murphy, at